Leading international speakers/instructors who have been involved with, and contributed to, our courses.
University of Liverpool, UK
BVMS, PhD, CertES(Soft Tissue), Dipl.ECV...
University of Helsinki, Finland
DVM, LV, Ms, PhD, Dipl.ECVS
Texas Tech University, USA
University of Pennsylvania, USA
Oakham Veterinary Hospital, UK
BVet, Med CertEP CertES (soft tissue), D...
Royal(Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Universi...
NC State University, USA
DVM, Dipl.ACVIM (Internal Medicine, Card...
University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria
Ao.Univ.-Prof., Dipl.ECAR, Dr.med.vet.
BluePearl Specialty + Emergency Pet Hospitals, USA
Consultant, Belgium
DVM, Cert.KNMvD (CKRD), Cert.Pract. KNMv...
AURA Veterinary, UK
MA, VetMB, CertVR, CertSAS, Dipl.ECVS, D...
Claiborne Farm, USA
Very compact and very well planned, gave me a lot of answers.
- Attendee, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound for Equine Practitioners, Norway
Excellent balance between theoretical and practical lectures. Very professional and helpful lecturers.
- Attendee, Practical Neurology For Equine Practitioners, Czech Republic
Wish all continuing education was like yours!
- Attendee, Practical Ophthalmology for Equine Practitioners, Alberta
Cours pertinent avec beaucoup de rythme (les travaux pratique de l'apres-midi apres la theorie element xxx bonne dynamique).
- Attendee, Equine Hindlimb Lameness Diagnostics & Therapy, Switzerland
Good practical sessions, excellent and engaged tutors.
- Attendee, Ultrasound-guided Orthopaedic Injection Techniques & Therapies, Sweden
Very educational and enjoyed the small size of the class and interaction.
- Attendee, Back, Sacroiliac & Pelvic Problems of the Horse, Texas
Good practical experience with individual guiding for every level of skills, really good.
- Attendee, Small Animal Emergency Surgery, Germany
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