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It was Superb!! I appreciate the expertise & knowledge shared, but even more so, I appreciate the spirit in which it is done. All lectures were presented with such passion and compassion. I really appreciate the friendly way everyone spoke, and made us all feel welcome.
- Rob Graham, Dr. RC Graham Veterinary Services, Western Australia
The panel discussion this evening was very interesting and super well organized - the discussion flowed well, the cases were varied and insightful.
- Gigi Kay, Morocco, Controversial Topics in Equine Wound Care
Very helpful and practical. Would take another equine dentistry webinar!
- Dr. Sara Pearson, University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, United States, Modern Diagnostic & Therapeutic Techniques in Equine Dentistry
Informative and well put together. I will definitely sign up for more.
- Dr. Heather Nemanic, Equine Health Options, United States, Modern Diagnostic & Therapeutic Techniques in Equine Dentistry
A great way to get evidence-based knowledge backed up by experience from top clinicians!
- Dr. Ronald Bodnar, Pool House Equine Clinic, UK, Equine Infundibular Restorations
Great delivery of relevant topics, showcasing a valuable way for the expertise of speakers from different hemispheres to be delivered efficiently to a group of international delegates, saving on time and CPD budgets and allowing advance study of material that hopefully can be covered in more local, practical sessions when circumstances allow, thank you! Thanks for an excellent course and I hope to be able to “attend” another soon!
- Dr. Jennifer Henderson, Donnington Grove Veterinary Surgery, UK, Advanced Mare Reproduction
Informative, a great way to continue learning from a distance in a live setting allowing for live discussion of the relevant topics.
- Olivia Bonner-Evans, Scone Equine Hospital, Australia, Advanced Mare Reproduction
This webinar was just amazing. There were nice images included in the presentation and the presenter was blessing the audience with his impressive experience.
- Ahmad Waqar, Oman, Equine Joint Ultrasound & Joint Therapies
I really enjoyed the presentation this afternoon! Wonderful topics, reflections, and willingness to share perspectives!!!! – thank-you very much!!
- Professor Philip Johnson, University of Missouri, United States, Cardiovascular Conditions - Impact on Performance & Safety
I have really, really enjoyed the webinar on POCUS so far (I have only attended/watched the first two). I have learned so much in such a relatively short period of time! Your breakdowns and memory aids are extremely helpful, and it is nice that you have presented the material in an engaging, interactive, and humorous manner.
- Dr. Dawn Tauro-Miller, United States, Rapid Practical Ultrasound for everyday General & Emergency Medicine
According to the lectures and what I got professional from this webinar, I'll have to say that professional it was on top and just as interesting as when we meet somewhere in the world.
- Ole Sonne , Østjyllands Hestepraksis, Denmark, Neonatology in 1st Opinion Practice
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