Naomi Chiero


Equine Veterinary Dental Services, USA

Naomi completed her veterinary degree at Ohio State University, USA in 2011 and went on to complete an Equine Internship at Kendall Road Equine Hospital.  She then returned to Ohio State University and for an Equine Ambulatory Internship in 2013.  After her internship Dr. Chiero remained as a staff veterinarian and clinical instructor to senior veterinary students and intern veterinarians in ambulatory practice.  She completed her residency in Equine Dentistry while at Ohio State University performing both primary care and referral dentistry.  She has trained with a dozen other  Equine Dental Diplomates all across the U.S. as well as in Austria and England. She will be sitting her final board certification exam in June 2022.  Naomi is currently an associate veterinarian at Equine Veterinary Dental Services in Newark, Ohio, USA.  In addition to advanced equine dentistry she has a growing interest in dental care in zoo and ruminant species.

Naomi Chiero


Equine Veterinary Dental Services, USA

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Naomi Chiero


Equine Veterinary Dental Services, USA