Tobias Schwarz

MA, Dr. med. vet., DVR, FRCVS, Dipl.ECVDI, Dipl.ACVR

American Specialist in Veterinary Radiology, European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging

Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, The University of Edinburgh, UK

Dr. Schwarz studied veterinary medicine at the Humboldt and Free University of Berlin in Germany.

He did a diagnostic imaging residency at Glasgow University Veterinary School and became a Diplomate in Diagnostic Imaging with the RCVS (DVR), ECVDI and ACVR. He has been an academic radiologist at the Universities of Pennsylvania and Wisconsin-Madison and is the head of the Diagnostic Imaging Service at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies since 2009.

In 2017, he was elected as a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (FRCVS) in the UK. He has published over 100 peer-reviewed articles and his particular interests are in thoracic imaging and computed tomography. On both topics he has published a comprehensive textbook.

Tobias Schwarz

MA, Dr. med. vet., DVR, FRCVS, Dipl.ECVDI, Dipl.ACVR

American Specialist in Veterinary Radiology, European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging

Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, The University of Edinburgh, UK

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Tobias Schwarz

MA, Dr. med. vet., DVR, FRCVS, Dipl.ECVDI, Dipl.ACVR

American Specialist in Veterinary Radiology, European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging

Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, The University of Edinburgh, UK