Michelle Turek

DVM, Dipl.ACVIM (Oncology), Dipl.ACVR (Radiation Oncology)

American Specialist in Internal Medicine (ONC), American Specilist in Radiology (ONC)

University of Wisconsin, USA

Michelle Turek is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Radiation Oncology at the University of Wisconsin. She received her DVM from the University of Montreal and completed residencies in medical and radiation oncology at the University of Wisconsin. Michelle practiced at the Angell Animal Medical Center in Boston, and then at the University of Georgia. In 2013, Michelle returned to the University of Wisconsin where she works as a radiation oncologist, researcher and instructor of radiation oncology and communication.

Michelle Turek

DVM, Dipl.ACVIM (Oncology), Dipl.ACVR (Radiation Oncology)

American Specialist in Internal Medicine (ONC), American Specilist in Radiology (ONC)

University of Wisconsin, USA

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Michelle Turek

DVM, Dipl.ACVIM (Oncology), Dipl.ACVR (Radiation Oncology)

American Specialist in Internal Medicine (ONC), American Specilist in Radiology (ONC)

University of Wisconsin, USA