Vanessa Cook

VetMB, PhD, Dipl.ACVS, Dipl.ACVECC

American Specialist in Equine Surgery & Emergency/Critical Care

Michigan State University, USA

Dr Cook went to vet school at Cambridge University, England. She did a residency in equine surgery at the Ohio State University and a fellowship in large animal emergency and critical care at Cornell. Her interest in colic led to a PhD in gastrointestinal physiology at North Carolina State University. She then worked as an Associate Professor in large animal emergency and critical care at Michigan State University. She is board certified by ACVS and ACVECC. In her spare time she competes in triathlons and represents the USA at the World Championships.

Vanessa Cook

VetMB, PhD, Dipl.ACVS, Dipl.ACVECC

American Specialist in Equine Surgery & Emergency/Critical Care

Michigan State University, USA

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