Valérie Picandet


American & European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine

LIVET Equine Veterinary Hospital, France

Dr Valérie Picandet graduated from the National Veterinary School of Alfort, France in 1999. She then completed an Internship (1999-2000) in Medicine and Surgery and a Residency program (2000-03) in Equine Internal Medicine at the Veterinary School of University of Montreal, Canada. She then worked as a Clinician at the Equine Hospital within the University (2003-04). Valérie became a certified specialist in Internal Medicine with the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. She then completed a one year position as a Clinician at the National Veterinary School in Lyon, France (2004-05). In 2006-07 she worked as a Private Practitioner in Poitiers, France for 2 years. In 2008 she joined LIVET Equine Veterinary Hospital in France as a private practitioner, in charge of the internal medicine, emergency, intensive care and anaesthesiology units. She became a partner of LIVET Equine Veterinary Hospital in 2011. She has special interests in neonatology, intensive care and respiratory medicine.

Valérie Picandet


American & European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine

LIVET Equine Veterinary Hospital, France

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Valérie Picandet


American & European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine

LIVET Equine Veterinary Hospital, France

No Upcoming Offering