Tim Phillips

BVet, Med CertEP, CertEO, DESTS, Dipl.ECVS, MRCVS

RCVS & European Specialist in Equine Surgery

Liphook, UK

Tim qualified from The Royal Veterinary College in 1983 and first came to Liphook in 1987. He then left to undertake a surgical post at The Animal Health Trust in Newmarket before returning to the practice and becoming a partner in 1995. Tim has RCVS and ECVS Diplomas in Equine Surgery and is recognised as an RCVS and European Specialist in Equine Surgery. He has been an examiner for both RCVS and European Diplomas in Equine Surgery and a member of the Board Of Regents of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons. He has published on a wide range of subjects and has lectured extensively both in the UK and further afield. Tim also acts as a peripatetic consultant surgeon to other equine practices, both in the UK and abroad. In his spare time Tim enjoys his family, his dogs, all sports and anything to do with the sea.

Tim Phillips

BVet, Med CertEP, CertEO, DESTS, Dipl.ECVS, MRCVS

RCVS & European Specialist in Equine Surgery

Liphook, UK

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Tim Phillips

BVet, Med CertEP, CertEO, DESTS, Dipl.ECVS, MRCVS

RCVS & European Specialist in Equine Surgery

Liphook, UK