Souel Maleh

med.vet., IGFP/c, PDPP, Zusatzbezeichung Pferdezahnheilkunde

EquiProDenta, Germany

  • 1990 to 1996 Study Veterinary faculty of Giessen - Germany
  • 1996 Approbation
  • 1997 Opening own practice for small animals and horses
  • 1998 to 1999 educated to a horse dentist by Marion Eltze
  • 2003 member of IGFP www.igfp.eu
  • 2003 voted in committee for public relation and horse exhibition of IGFP
  • since this time couple of lectures on horse exhibitions like Equitana, Eurocheval, Hippologica, and more  with the walk in skull sculpture of the IGFP
  • 2004 voted for IGFP examinar
  • 2010 voted for first president IGFP
  • 2010 Founding EquiProDenta www.equiprodenta.com   as a second practice with the focus on equine dentistry by fusion with the veterinary horse clinic Grosswallstadt and veterinary practice Maleh
  • 2011 Publication book:  Atlas der Zahnheilkunde beim Pferd von Grell/Maleh im Schattauer Verlag ISBN 978-3-7945-2693-2
  • 2011 obtaining Vet accretion specialty equine dentistry and authorization vet education equine dentistry
  • 2013 new building the equine dental station in cooperation with the Veterinary horse clinic Großwallstadt
  • 2016 Publication book: Zivilisationskrankheiten des Pferdes von Fritz /Maleh im Sonntag Verlag ISBN 978-3-13-240018-4
Souel Maleh

med.vet., IGFP/c, PDPP, Zusatzbezeichung Pferdezahnheilkunde

EquiProDenta, Germany

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Souel Maleh

med.vet., IGFP/c, PDPP, Zusatzbezeichung Pferdezahnheilkunde

EquiProDenta, Germany

No Upcoming Offering