Sina Marsilio

Dr.med.vet., PhD, Dipl.ACVIM(SAIM), Dipl.ECVIM-CA

American and European Specialist in Veterinary Internal Medicine (SA)

UC Davis, USA

Dr. Marsilio received her veterinary degree from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, Germany in 2004. After graduation she also completed a German doctorate program on feline chronic enteropathies with the Department of Pathology in Hanover, Germany, in 2007. Subsequently, Dr. Marsilio continued her clinical training with an internship in private practice and a residency in Small Animal Internal Medicine at the University of Giessen, Germany and the Royal Veterinary College in London, UK. She received her Diploma of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM, SAIM) and of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ECVIM, CA) in 2014. After her board certification, she extended her training in small animal gastroenterology and joined the Texas A&M Gastrointestinal Laboratory where she conducted a PhD. She worked on the discovery of novel diagnostic biomarkers for feline chronic enteropathies including histology guided mass spectrometry for the differentiation of feline IBD from lymphoma. Since August 2019, Dr. Marsilio is part of the faculty at UC Davis as an Assistant Professor in Small Animal Internal Medicine with a clinical and research focus on small animal and comparative gastroenterology.

Sina Marsilio

Dr.med.vet., PhD, Dipl.ACVIM(SAIM), Dipl.ECVIM-CA

American and European Specialist in Veterinary Internal Medicine (SA)

UC Davis, USA

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Sina Marsilio

Dr.med.vet., PhD, Dipl.ACVIM(SAIM), Dipl.ECVIM-CA

American and European Specialist in Veterinary Internal Medicine (SA)

UC Davis, USA