Sarah Boys Smith

VetMB, MA, CertES(Orth), Dipl.ECVS, Dipl.ACVSMR, MRCVS

European & RCVS Specialist in Equine Surgery

Rossdales Equine Hospital, UK

Sarah qualified from the University of Cambridge in 2001 and subsequently undertook a one year internship at the Animal Health Trust, focusing on orthopaedics and the poorly performing horse. She then spent three years undertaking a surgical residency at the University of Liverpool, focusing on referral orthopaedics, and orthopaedic and soft tissue surgery, upon completion of which she stayed on as a lecturer and clinician in Equine Orthopaedics for a further year. 


Sarah was awarded the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons’ Certificate in Equine Surgery in 2005. In 2006, she joined Rossdale and Partners and in the same year became a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons. In 2007, Sarah became an RCVS Specialist in Equine Surgery. She is currently an orthopaedic specialist at Rossdales Equine Diagnostic Centre, dealing with secondary and tertiary orthopaedic referral work and her case load is primarily competition horses and general purpose riding horses.


Sarah speaks regularly at national and international veterinary meetings, has papers published in major equine journals and has also contributed to several leading equine text books. She has been an examiner of candidates sitting the RCVS Certificate in Equine Surgery and is currently an examiner of candidates sitting to become Diplomates of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons.


Sarah Boys Smith

VetMB, MA, CertES(Orth), Dipl.ECVS, Dipl.ACVSMR, MRCVS

European & RCVS Specialist in Equine Surgery

Rossdales Equine Hospital, UK

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Sarah Boys Smith

VetMB, MA, CertES(Orth), Dipl.ECVS, Dipl.ACVSMR, MRCVS

European & RCVS Specialist in Equine Surgery

Rossdales Equine Hospital, UK

No Upcoming Offering