Rosanna Marsella
American Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology
University of Florida, USA
Dr. Marsella has a special interest in equine dermatology. She has led the International Committee which has published the Clinical Consensus Guidelines on Equine Allergic Skin Diseases published in 2023. She has also authored a book on equine dermatology which is geared toward equine clinicians that have a special interest in dermatology. She has devoted the last few years working on mechanisms of pruritus in horses and has been the only researcher investigating the ultrastructural abnormalities of equine allergic skin on electron microscopy. She is currently working characterizing the role of IL-31 in equine allergies and working toward novel treatment options. Dr. Marsella is an avid equestrian, rider and owner.
Rosanna Marsella
American Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology
University of Florida, USA
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Rosanna Marsella
American Specialist in Veterinary Dermatology
University of Florida, USA