Nikki Walshe


University College Dublin, Ireland

Nikki Walshe is currently an Assistant Professor in Equine Clinical Studies in UCD. She qualified from UCD school of veterinary medicine in 2011. Then over the next 5 years gained clinical experience and expertise in equine field medicine both in the southern hemisphere and here in Ireland, during which she completed a postgraduate certificate in advanced equine practice (CertAVP). She joined the UCD equine field service in 2016. In this role she provides a clinical service and facilitates the teaching of the equine clinical studies rotation.

From her experience in the field, Nikki developed a particular interest in the area of equine parasitology, which is the basis of her PhD - the investigation of mechanisms behind parasite associated disease in the horse with a particular emphasis on role of host immunology and the intestinal microbiome- supervised by Grace Mulcahy and Vivienne Duggan. She also recently began a residency training program with the European Veterinary Parasitology College (EVPC) supervised by Grace Mulcahy and Theo de Waal.

Nikki Walshe


University College Dublin, Ireland

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