Mikel Sabater

LV, MRCVS, CertZooMed, Resident ECZM

ECZM Resident in Avian Medicine

Cambridge Veterinary Group Limited, UK

Mikel graduated from the University of Valencia (Spain) in 2005, and saw referral exotic patients in his own practice prior to joining the practice-based ECZM residency program led by Neil Forbes.

Mikel completed externships in numerous zoological parks, wildlife centres and universities across Europe and America post graduation to gain experience in exotic and zoological medicine,  and joined Neil's Exotics Team in February 2011 to start his 3 year Residency in Avian Medicine from the European College of Zoological Medicine.

Mikel Sabater

LV, MRCVS, CertZooMed, Resident ECZM

ECZM Resident in Avian Medicine

Cambridge Veterinary Group Limited, UK

No Upcoming Offering

Mikel Sabater

LV, MRCVS, CertZooMed, Resident ECZM

ECZM Resident in Avian Medicine

Cambridge Veterinary Group Limited, UK

No Upcoming Offering