Luis Arroyo Castro

Lic. Med Vet., DVSc, PhD, Dipl.ACVIM

American Specialist in Veterinary Internal Medicine

University of Guelph, Canada

Dr. Arroyo grew up on a rural farm along the pacific coast of Costa Rica. At the Universidad Nacional-Heredia, he trained as a veterinarian until he received his Lic. Med. Vet. in 1994. For the next few years, he practiced mixed animal medicine in rural Costa Rica. After gaining years of clinical experience, Dr. Arroyo decided to attend the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) in Guelph, ON where he completed the large animal medicine Doctor of Veterinary Science (DVSc) program in the Department of Clinical Studies. Following his completion, he furthered his education by working towards a PhD in the Department of Pathobiology at OVC.  

Dr. Arroyo is now board certified in large animal medicine with the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and has been a faculty member in the Department of Clinical studies since 2009. 

His research interest is in large animal gastrointestinal disorders but, more recently, he has grown fond of equine vascular diseases with a focus on arteriosclerosis of the pulmonary artery of racehorses. 

Luis Arroyo Castro

Lic. Med Vet., DVSc, PhD, Dipl.ACVIM

American Specialist in Veterinary Internal Medicine

University of Guelph, Canada

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Luis Arroyo Castro

Lic. Med Vet., DVSc, PhD, Dipl.ACVIM

American Specialist in Veterinary Internal Medicine

University of Guelph, Canada