Knut Nottrott

DVM, Dipl.EVDC-Eq, Dipl.ECVS, EDT (IGFPev), Cert. IVCA, Zusatzbezeichnung Pferdezahnheilkunde

European and German Veterinary Specialist in Dentistry (Equine), European Specialis in Veterinary Surgery

Consultant, France

After his veterinary studies in Germany, France and Australia, Knut qualified as a veterinary surgeon at the Free University of Berlin in 2004.

He subsequently completed an internship in equine medicine and surgery at the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Liège, Belgium, after which he returned to Germany working in several private equine hospitals. He then freelanced with emphasis in equine dentistry. Knut completed a surgical residency at Lyon Veterinary Teaching Hospital, France, in 2015 and continues to be a consultant veterinary surgeon for dentistry and dental and sinus surgery at Lyon. He has recently been a locum equine surgeon in the UK and the Emirates. Knut has published articles in peer-reviewed veterinary journals and he lectures courses and conferences on equine dentistry in France and internationally.

His major interests in equine dentistry are preservative and minimal-invasive techniques, including endodontics and key-hole surgery. In addition to equine dentistry, Knut also enjoys equine orthopedics and rehabilitation and all kinds of equine surgery.

Knut Nottrott

DVM, Dipl.EVDC-Eq, Dipl.ECVS, EDT (IGFPev), Cert. IVCA, Zusatzbezeichnung Pferdezahnheilkunde

European and German Veterinary Specialist in Dentistry (Equine), European Specialis in Veterinary Surgery

Consultant, France

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Knut Nottrott

DVM, Dipl.EVDC-Eq, Dipl.ECVS, EDT (IGFPev), Cert. IVCA, Zusatzbezeichnung Pferdezahnheilkunde

European and German Veterinary Specialist in Dentistry (Equine), European Specialis in Veterinary Surgery

Consultant, France

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