Joao Rodrigues


Donkey Medicine

The Donkey Sanctuary, UK

João received his degree in Veterinary Medicine from the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal in 2007. He spent the next two years doing clinical work in Portugal and Spain, mostly with endangered breeds of donkeys (the Mirandês and the Zamorano-leonés donkeys). He has conducted many workshops focused on donkeys health and welfare. During this same period he developed his interest, knowledge and skills in veterinary  dentistry. In 2009, he began his PhD program focusing on research in the field of donkey dentistry in collaboration with the University of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro and at Complutense University of Madrid. João is also a former partner and board member of the Portuguese Society of Veterinary Dentistry, and he is classified as an Expert in Veterinary Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery by the Complutense University of Madrid. João is a guest trainer in several international projects focused on improving the welfare of working equids in Portugal, Spain, Morocco (American Fondouk) and Mexico. As a result of his research work, João has attended some of the most relevant national and international conferences in his research field, and he is also the author of scientific papers in the field of donkey dentistry.

Joao Rodrigues


Donkey Medicine

The Donkey Sanctuary, UK

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Joao Rodrigues


Donkey Medicine

The Donkey Sanctuary, UK

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