Jacintha Wilmink

DVM, PhD, Diplomate RNVA

Woumarec, The Netherlands

Dr. Jacintha Wilmink graduated as a veterinarian at Utrecht University in December 1991 and first worked as a practicing veterinarian in New Zealand and the Netherlands. From 1993 to 2001 she was employed as a veterinarian at the University Clinic Horse in Utrecht (the then Department of General Surgery and Surgery of Large Pets). There she trained as a Specialist Horse Surgery, conducted scientific research into wound healing in horses and ponies, and taught students and veterinarians. During that period she developed and evaluated a new method for skin grafts in horses, the so-called 'Meek micrograft technique'. In 2000, Jacintha Wilmink was registered as Specialist Horse Surgery and obtained her PhD on the subject of “Wound healing in horses and ponies”. In 2002, Jacintha Wilmink founded the company “Woumarec” and has fully devoted herself to wound treatment in horses. In domestic and foreign clinics she operates on a freelance basis on wounds and scars and supports and advises veterinarians in the treatment of wounds. She spreads her knowledge by giving courses and workshops and is a much sought-after speaker at international conferences. Involved in international scientific research, she regularly initiates new studies on wound healing and wound treatment in collaboration with universities or companies. She is co-author of the 2nd and 3rd editions of the world-renowned standard work ('bible') on equine wound management: 'Equine Wound Management', and co-author of the book "Complications in Equine Surgery" currently being written. Jacintha Wilmink has been an active board member of the Veterinary Wound Healing Association since 1997 and is currently president of this organization.

Her mission: translating scientific knowledge to practice thus improving wound management for the benefit of the future and welfare of the animal, the owner, and the pleasure in work of veterinarians.

Jacintha Wilmink

DVM, PhD, Diplomate RNVA

Woumarec, The Netherlands

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Jacintha Wilmink

DVM, PhD, Diplomate RNVA

Woumarec, The Netherlands