Inge Durie


European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine

Evidensia Specialisthästsjukhuset Strömsholm, Sweden

Inge graduated from Ghent University in Belgium in 2006. She continued to work at the University of Ghent in a so-called internship for 1 year. During her internship, she rotated between hospital departments, a great interest in internal medicine was awakened and Inge began a 3-year Residency programs in internal medicine. During her residency she only practiced internal medicine and developed a passion for care of foals, metabolic diseases and cardiology. After 3 years of training she became a diplomate in 2011 at ECEIM (European College of Equine Internal Medicine). That same year Inge moved to Sweden and began working at the Evidensia Specialisthästsjukhuset Strömsholm.

Inge works primarily with medical investigations with both outpatient and inpatient horses. She is the head veterinarian in internal medicine and hygiene manager at the hospital. Inge is part of EVMF, Evidensia’s veterinary forum, the topic group internal medicine horse and assists with the development of internal medicine at the horse. Inge has written several articles and lectured at international congresses. Inge has written several articles and lectured at international congresses.

Inge Durie


European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine

Evidensia Specialisthästsjukhuset Strömsholm, Sweden

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Inge Durie


European Specialist in Equine Internal Medicine

Evidensia Specialisthästsjukhuset Strömsholm, Sweden

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