Gary England

BVetMed, PhD, DVetMed, CertVA, DipRep, Dipl.ACT, Dipl.ECAR, FRCVS

American and European Specialist in Animal Reproduction

University of Nottingham, UK

Professor England is the Foundation Dean of the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science and is Professor of Comparative Veterinary Reproduction.

He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, and is recognised as a Specialist in Veterinary Reproduction by the Royal College and the European College of Animal Reproduction. He is a Diplomate of the American College of Theriogenologists and a Visiting Professor at the Royal Veterinary College, University of London.

Professor England was instrumental in developing a new veterinary curriculum at the University of Nottingham and is an advocate of innovation in teaching, learning and assessment.

Professor England's research interests are reproductive biology (particularly the interaction between sperm and the female reproductive tract, and the effect of environmental chemicals on fertility), canine behaviour (predominantly epidemiological modelling of behavioural tests) and colic in horses (he is part of the Nottingham Equine Colic Project Group which generates new evidence and recommendations on the recognition and assessment of colic and in collaboration with the British Horse Society produces the 'React now to beat colic' campaign).

Professor England uses psychosocial research methods to study evidence behind clinical decision making; he established the Centre for Evidence-based Veterinary Medicine at the University of Nottingham with Professor Malcolm Cobb and Professor Sir Peter Rubin.

Gary England

BVetMed, PhD, DVetMed, CertVA, DipRep, Dipl.ACT, Dipl.ECAR, FRCVS

American and European Specialist in Animal Reproduction

University of Nottingham, UK

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Gary England

BVetMed, PhD, DVetMed, CertVA, DipRep, Dipl.ACT, Dipl.ECAR, FRCVS

American and European Specialist in Animal Reproduction

University of Nottingham, UK