Gareth Trope

BVSc(Hons), DipVCS, CertES(Orth), MVSc, FANZCVS

Australian Registered Specialist in Equine Surgery

South Eastern Equine Hospital, Australia

Gareth graduated from the University of Sydney in 1998. Since graduating Gareth has worked in a number of equine practices both in Australia and in the UK. This included an internship at Sydney University, a residency in Equine Surgery at Melbourne University, Equine Surgeon at Ballarat Veterinary Practice and a lectureship in Equine Surgery at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga prior to joining South Eastern Equine Hospital in 2015. 

He holds a Royal College Certificate in Equine Surgery (orthopaedics), membership in Equine Surgery of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists (ANZCVS) and in 2011 became a registered specialist in Equine Surgery following successful completion of fellowship exams in Equine Surgery of the ANZCVS.

Gareth has a particular interest in orthopaedic surgery, lameness investigation and advanced diagnostic imaging. He has also completed a research Masters investigating novel methods for diagnosing stress fractures in racehorses. In addition to this he has a keen interest in minimally invasive surgery including laparoscopic surgery.

Gareth Trope

BVSc(Hons), DipVCS, CertES(Orth), MVSc, FANZCVS

Australian Registered Specialist in Equine Surgery

South Eastern Equine Hospital, Australia

No Upcoming Offering

Gareth Trope

BVSc(Hons), DipVCS, CertES(Orth), MVSc, FANZCVS

Australian Registered Specialist in Equine Surgery

South Eastern Equine Hospital, Australia

No Upcoming Offering