Elise Robertson

BS, BVetMed, MANZCVSc(Feline), Dipl.ABVP(Feline), FHEA, FRSB, FRCVS

American Specialist in Veterinary Practice (Feline)

Endoscopy Vet Referrals, UK

Elise graduated cum laude from Colorado State University with a BSc in Biological Sciences/Anatomy & Neurophysiology. She then relocated to the UK in 1998 to study veterinary medicine at the Royal Veterinary College, University of London. She graduated with honours in 2003 and instead of moving back to the USA, she ended up staying permanently in the UK! She was awarded Membership Australian and New Zealand College Veterinary Scientists Feline Chapter (ANZCVSc) in 2008 and later Diplomate status from the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (ABVP). She’s head European mentor for the International Society Feline Medicine (ISFM)/University of Sydney Distance Education programme in Feline Medicine, Examiner for ANZCVSc Feline Chapter, Co-Lecturer for ESAVS Endoscopy/Endosurgery Courses and Co-Lecturer at Colorado State University Endoscopy/Endosurgery Courses .

She currently operates a visiting feline medicine referral (Feline Vet Referrals, www.felinevet.net) and endoscopy consultancy service (Endoscopy Vet Referrals, www.endoscopyvet.net) for veterinary practices in SE England. She also heads the Feline Medicine and Endoscopy Referral Service at VRCC Referrals. Her professional interests include medical endoscopy & endosurgery (‘keyhole surgery’), receiving her formal training from both veterinary and human consultant surgeons in the USA, Germany, France, and the UK.

Elise Robertson

BS, BVetMed, MANZCVSc(Feline), Dipl.ABVP(Feline), FHEA, FRSB, FRCVS

American Specialist in Veterinary Practice (Feline)

Endoscopy Vet Referrals, UK

Elise Robertson

BS, BVetMed, MANZCVSc(Feline), Dipl.ABVP(Feline), FHEA, FRSB, FRCVS

American Specialist in Veterinary Practice (Feline)

Endoscopy Vet Referrals, UK