Camilla Scott

BVetMed, CertAVP(ESM), Dipl.ACT, MRCVS

American Specialist in Veterinary Theriogenology

Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons, UK

Camilla joined Rossdales' stud team as a reproductive specialist in November 2017.

Following graduation from the Royal Veterinary college in 2006, Camilla undertook a number of positions, including a hospital internship in the UK, an internal medicine fellowship at Haygard Equine Medical Institute in Kentucky and multiple stud seasons in the Southern Hemisphere. In 2013 Camilla started a Theriogenology residency at the University of Davis, California specialising in Equine Reproduction. In 2014 she was awarded the RCVS Certificate in Equine Stud Medicine and in 2015 became a board certified diplomate of the American College of Theriogenologists. Camilla then spent two years as a reproductive specialist in private practice in the UK before joining Rossdales. She was awarded recognised specialist status by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2020.

Camilla has served on the scientific committee for conferences in the UK and American and has published on various topics. She has a particular interest in problem mares, high-risk pregnancies, stallion fertility and embryo transfer.

Camilla Scott

BVetMed, CertAVP(ESM), Dipl.ACT, MRCVS

American Specialist in Veterinary Theriogenology

Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons, UK

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Camilla Scott

BVetMed, CertAVP(ESM), Dipl.ACT, MRCVS

American Specialist in Veterinary Theriogenology

Rossdales Veterinary Surgeons, UK