Brian Patterson

BVM&S, Cert VOphthal, MRCVS

Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Ophthalmology

Vale Referrals, UK

Brians undergraduate training took place at the Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies. Following a short period in general practice Brian undertook a two year internship at Liphook Equine Hospital followed by two years as an ambulatory equine clinician at the Arundel Equine Hospital. Brian returned to Glasgow University to undertake a three year residency in equine medicine and surgery with particular reference to ophthalmology. During this period Brian attained the RCVS certificate in ophthalmology. Brian is one of only a handful of clinicians in the UK who practices as a full time veterinary ophthalmologist.

RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Ophthalmology

Brian graduated from Edinburgh University in 1996. After completing a two year hospital internship at the Liphook equine hospital, he took up a 3 year residency at the Weipers Centre, University of Glasgow, and whilst there was awarded the RCVS certificate in ophthalmology in 2002.

For the last eight years he has worked as a veterinary ophthalmologist in the south west of England.

As a full time veterinary ophthalmologist, Brian has been involved in teaching ophthalmology at the University of Bristol (2010-2012) and has lectured both nationally and internationally.

Brian Patterson

BVM&S, Cert VOphthal, MRCVS

Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Ophthalmology

Vale Referrals, UK

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Brian Patterson

BVM&S, Cert VOphthal, MRCVS

Advanced Practitioner in Veterinary Ophthalmology

Vale Referrals, UK