Alex Hawkins

BSc, BVSc, MVetMed, Dipl.ECVS, MRCVS

European Specialist in Veterinary Surgery

Royal Veterinary College, UK

Alex graduated from the University of Bristol in 2015 with a Bachelors (BVSc) in Veterinary Science as well as having intercalated and graduated in 2013 with a Bachelors (BSc with First Class Honours) in Pathology & Microbiology. He then worked briefly for 6 months for the PDSA (People's Dispensary for Sick Animals) charity. Following this, he relocated to Florida, United States, to successfully complete an 18 month rotating internship in a busy, private equine hospital (Equine Medical Center of Ocala) in the "horse capital of the world", Ocala. He then returned back to the UK and undertook an ambulatory role in a first opinion equine practice based in Surrey for a further 2 years. After this, he then completed a 3 year specialist Senior Clinical Training Scholarship in Equine Surgery and simultaneously obtained a Masters in Veterinary Medicine (MVetMed) at the Royal Veterinary College finishing in June 2022. He then moved to a private equine hospital for 6 months in Leicestershire before returning back to the Royal Veterinary College as a Staff Clinician in Equine Surgery in January 2023. He then became a Lecturer in Equine Surgery in February 2024 after having successfully passed the European College of Veterinary Surgeons (ECVS) specialist board examinations, thereby becoming an RCVS and EBVS® European Specialist in Equine Surgery. He is interested in all aspects of Equine Surgery (particularly minimally invasive surgery), as well as lameness and poor performance investigations.

Alex Hawkins

BSc, BVSc, MVetMed, Dipl.ECVS, MRCVS

European Specialist in Veterinary Surgery

Royal Veterinary College, UK

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Alex Hawkins

BSc, BVSc, MVetMed, Dipl.ECVS, MRCVS

European Specialist in Veterinary Surgery

Royal Veterinary College, UK

No Upcoming Offering