General Management Principles of Poisoned Dogs & Cat

Small Animal

Contact Hours

3 Hours - RACE Approved




Emergency & Critical Care

Internal Medicine – Endocrinology, Haematology, Infectious Diseases, Parasitology & Oncology

Pathology - Clinical & Gross

Toxicology & Pharmacology

Recorded on: 12th January 2023


Yaron Bruchim   DVM, IVIMS, DACVECC, DECVECC - Emergency and Specialist Veterinary Center Ben Shemen, Israel
Thierry Francey   DVM, DACVIM, DECVIM-CA - University of Bern, Switzerland
Joris Robben   DVM, PhD, DECVECC, DECVIM-CA - Utrecht University, Netherlands                                                    


Adrienne Bautista   DVM, PhD, DABVT - Royal Canin, USA



Intoxication in dogs and cats is a common cause for emergency veterinary visits. When they present, extensive diagnostic and therapeutic measures are required. Accurate diagnosis is the key to approaching a potential poisoning case. Such a diagnosis can allow for adequate treatment of the poisoned animal and can prevent additional cases.

This panel discussion brings together a group of internationally renowned multidisciplinary specialists to provide an approach to the acutely poisoned and critically ill patient. There will be special focus on the current knowledge of the effective use of decontamination procedures, the benefits and risks for intravenous lipid emulsion, continuous renal replacement therapy and blood purification techniques, the availability of antidotes for poisoned dogs and cats, and monitoring and supportive care for patients with respiratory abnormalities. Furthermore, exposure to marijuana, anticoagulant rodenticides, household medications and other drugs will be discussed.


Originally from North Carolina, Dr. Bautista moved to California to pursue her doctoral degree in physiology. After completing her PhD, she went on to obtain her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine from the University of California, Davis. Following her DVM, Dr. Bautista practiced small animal general and emergency medicine in the Sacramento area and served as the campus veterinarian for a local veterinary technology program. She returned to the University of California, Davis to complete a dairy food safety and security fellowship and a residency in clinical veterinary toxicology at the California Animal Health and Food Safety Laboratory. Dr. Bautista worked briefly as an associate toxicologist for the California Environmental Protection Agency before returning to general practice for several years. A Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Toxicology, she has authored numerous journal articles, book chapters, and lay articles. Her experience in research, clinical practice, and toxicology brings a unique perspective to her current role as a Scientific Communications Veterinarian for Royal Canin.

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Dr. Bruchim was graduated in 1999 from the Koret School of veterinary medicine. In 2001 has completed his rotational internship in the Hebrew University Veterinary Teaching Hospital. In 2012 he became board certified of the American college of Emergency and Critical Care, and in 2014 of the European College of Emergency and Critical Care. In 2018 he completed his PhD investigating Heat Shock Proteins particularly and other biomarkers during acclimation and physical performance and in canine naturally occurring heatstroke. In 2018 Dr. Bruchim founded the leading advanced private emergency and specialist center in Ben Shemen Youth Village, the Emergency and Specialist Veterinary Center Ben Shemen..   

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Professor and Internal Medicine Section Head, The University of Berne Dr. Francey graduated from the University of Berne, Switzerland in 1988. After a Residency in Small Animal Internal Medicine (University of Berne and Louisiana State University) he specialized further in nephrology with a Fellowship in Renal Medicine and Hemodialysis at the University of California Davis. He stayed in Davis as a Lecturer in Internal Medicine and Nephrology until 2005 before coming back to Switzerland. He is currently Head of the Division of Small Animal Internal Medicine at the University of Berne and he pursues his main interests in the clinical manifestations of uremia and the use of advanced renal therapies in small animals.

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Joris Robben qualified from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Utrecht University in 1988. After his graduation, he performed a Supplementary Doctoral Examination at the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania. After a short period in private practice, he completed his residency in Companion Animal Internal Medicine in 1994 at the Department of Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals of the Utrecht University. Since 1994, he has been head of the ICU for Companions Animals at Utrecht. He finished his PhD, entitled “Insulinoma in dogs: diagnostic aspects and functional characteristics”, in April 2004. In 2008 Joris joined for one year the staff of the Small Animal ICU at the Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, UC Davis. Joris Robben has been a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Internal Medicine - Companion Animals since 1997. From 2008 till 2011 he has been President of the European Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care Society. Since 2014 Joris is a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care. He was President of this College from 2018 till 2021. Currently, Joris is Associate Professor in Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine at Utrecht. His special interest is the impact of ICU design and organisation on patient care and outcome.

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